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Зарегистрирован: 31.10.2003
Сообщения: 327

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Апр 15, 2004 9:26 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

там главное в list.php изменить
$serverlist = array(
array("HL", "snoggur2.isnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "snoggur3.isnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "snoggur4.isnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "snoggur.isnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "snoggur.isnet.is", "27025"),
array("HL", "snoggur.isnet.is", "27035"),
array("HL", "skjalfti10.simnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "skjalfti11.simnet.is", "27015"),
array("HL", "skjalfti11.simnet.is", "27025")
$serverlist = array(
array("Q2", "", "27920"),
array("Q2", "", "27930"),
дальше закачай и запускай. :)

собсна там можно самому добавлять то, чего хошь чтоб выводилось :).
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zloy is offline Посмотреть профиль Отправить личное сообщение


Зарегистрирован: 13.09.2003
Сообщения: 700
Откуда: Новосибирск

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Апр 22, 2004 9:17 am    Заголовок сообщения: Где переменная $server ??? и где list.php ??? Ответить с цитатой

Вот что в скрипте:


class gQuery

// gQuery system variables
var $errors = array(); // Errors in the script
var $fp; // File pointer

// The info you give the script
var $cgametype; // Type of game
var $caddress; // Connection address
var $cport; // Connection port

// Responders
var $serverinfo; // Server info array
var $playerinfo; // Player info array
var $systeminfo; // System info array
var $pcount = 0; // Player count

// Debug variables
var $DEBUG; // DEBUG
var $DEBUG2; // DEBUG

// Types of games
var $gametypes = array(
"HL" => "Half-Life",
"HL2" => "Half-Life 2",
"Q1" => "Quake",
"Q2" => "Quake 2",
"Q3" => "Quake: Arena",
"QW" => "Quake World",
"UT" => "Unreal Tournament",
"TB2" => "Tribes 2"

// default ports for games
var $defaultports = array(
"HL" => "27015",
"HL2" => "27015",
"Q1" => "26000",
"Q2" => "27910",
"Q3" => "27960",
"QW" => "27500",
"UT" => "7777",
"TB2" => "28000"

// Activation commands
var $commands = array(
"HL" => array(
"Serverinfo" => "яяяяdetails\x00",
"Playerlist" => "яяяяplayers\x00"
"Q2" => array(
"Serverinfo" => "яяяяstatus\x00"
"Q3" => array(
"Serverinfo" => "яяяяgetstatus\x00"
"UT" => array(
"Serverinfo" => "\\status\\",
"Playerlist" => "\\status\\",
"TheEnd" => "\\final\\"

* Function gameinfo(GAMETYPE=string, ADDRESS=string, [PORT=string])
* The main function. Loads info on the server
function gQuery($gametype ,$address, $port = "")

// Set the user provided connection settings
$this->cgametype = $gametype;
$this->caddress = $address;

// Set the port to default if not defined
if ($ports != "")

$this->cport = $this->defaultports[$this->cgametype];
$this->cport = $port;

// Make the connection
$this->fp = fsockopen("udp://" . $this->caddress, $this->cport, &$errno, &$errstr, 4);

if (!$this->fp)
//unable to connect to host
$this->serverinfo["name"] = "Error connecting to server";
$this->serverinfo["address"] = $this->caddress;
$this->addError("gQuery// had an error connecting to " . $this->caddress . ":" . $this->cport . "($errno - $errstr)");
// Run the appropriate parser.
eval("\$this->parseServerstat" . $this->cgametype . "();");

// Close the connection

// Put up the list of variabes so ppl can see what info is available
$this->systeminfo["gamevariables_count"] = 0;
while (list($key) = each ($this->serverinfo))
if ($this->systeminfo["gamevariables_count"] != 0) $this->systeminfo["gamevariables"] .= ", ";
$this->systeminfo["gamevariables"] .= $key;

$this->systeminfo["playervariables_count"] = 0;
if ( $this->serverinfo["player"] != 0 )
while (list($key) = each ($this->playerinfo[0]))
if ($this->systeminfo["playervariables_count"] != 0) $this->systeminfo["playervariables"] .= ", ";
$this->systeminfo["playervariables"] .= $key;

* Function about()
* Displays info about this class.
function about()
echo "<P><B>gQuery// gameserver info class. Version 0.4.0. \n";
echo "<BR>&copy; 2001 Jуn Grйtar Borgюуrsson <I>(jongretar@users.sourceforge.net)</I> \n";
echo "<BR>http://gdome.sourceforge.net/</B></P> \n";

* Function debug()
* Mostly just for debugging. Displays all kinds of info.
function debug()

echo "<TABLE cellspacing='1' cellpadding='10'><TR><TD bgcolor='lightgreen'>";
echo "<B>Debug Info:</B><BLOCKQUOTE>";
echo "Address: " . $this->caddress . "<BR>\n";
echo "Port: " . $this->cport . "<BR>\n";
echo "Gametype: " . $this->cgametype . " <I>(" . $this->gametypes[$this->cgametype] . ")</I><BR>\n";
echo "Server Vars: " . $this->systeminfo["gamevariables_count"] . " vars <I>(" . $this->systeminfo["gamevariables"] . ")</I><BR>\n";
echo "Player Vars: " . $this->systeminfo["playervariables_count"] . " vars <I>(" . $this->systeminfo["playervariables"] . ")</I><BR>\n";

echo "<B>Errors:</B><OL>";
for ($i = 0; $i <= sizeof($this->errors)-1; $i++)
echo "<LI> " . $this->errors[$i] . "\n";
echo "</OL>";

echo "</BLOCKQUOTE>";

echo "</TD></TR></TABLE>";


* Function addError(ERRORMSG=string, [HALT=bool])
* Adds an error into the error array
function addError($errorMsg, $halt = false)
// Check wether to stop the script or not
if (!$halt)
$this->errors[count($this->errors)] = "WARNING: " . $errorMsg;
$this->errors[count($this->errors)] = "ERROR: " . $errorMsg;

* Function parseServerstatHL()
* Requests the server info from the server and parses it down
function parseServerstatHL()

// Get rid of the header
$header = fread($this->fp,5);

// Get server address and Port
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["address"] = $result;

// Get server name
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["name"] = $result;

// Get server map
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["map"] = $result;

// Get server moddir
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["moddir"] = $result;

// Get server modname
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["modname"] = $result;

// Get number of players online
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$this->serverinfo["players"] = ord($str);

// Get maximum number of online player
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$this->serverinfo["maxplayers"] = ord($str);

// Get server protocol
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$this->serverinfo["protocol"] = ord($str);

// Get Type of server
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
if ($str == "l")
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Listen";
else if ($str == "d")
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Deticated";
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Unknown";

// Get server OS
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
if ($str == "l")
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Linux";
else if ($str == "w")
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Win32";
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Unknown";

// Get wether server locked or not
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
if (ord($str) == 1)
$this->serverinfo["locked"] = "true";
$this->serverinfo["locked"] = "false";

// Get the unknown thing
// Don't know what this variable stands for
// Please send me info if you find out
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$this->serverinfo["unknown"] = ord($str);

// Get the URL of the mod
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ($str == "\x00") $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["modurl"] = $result;

// Then get the Playerinfo
// We will trust that the connection is ok.
$this->fp = fsockopen("udp://" . $this->caddress, $this->cport, &$errno, &$errstr, 4);

//wait till we receive a header and store it (isn't used at the moment)

$str = fread($this->fp, 6);
$top = ord($str[5]);
$this->pcount = $top;

for($usr = 0; $usr <= ($top-1); $usr++)
$do = true;

// Get player id
$str = fread($this->fp, 1);
$this->playerinfo[$usr]["index"] = ord($str);

// Get player name
$temp = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
if($str == "\x00")
$do = false;
$temp .= $str;
$this->playerinfo[$usr]["name"] = $temp;

// Get player frags
$tot = 0;
$str = fread($this->fp, 1);
$tot += ord($str);
$str = fread($this->fp, 1);
$tot += ord($str) * 256;
$str = fread($this->fp, 1);
$tot += ord($str) * 65536;
$str = fread($this->fp, 1);
$tot += ord($str) * 16777216;

if($tot >= 16777216)
{ // ie is negative
$tot -= (4294967296);
$this->playerinfo[$usr]["frags"] = $tot;

// Get player time
$bin = '';

for($loop = 0; $loop <= 3; $loop++)
$bin = str_pad(decbin(ord(fread($this->fp, 1))), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).$bin;

// get sign
$sign = bindec(substr($bin, 0, 1));

// get exponent and adjust for special case and bias
$exponent = bindec(substr($bin, 1, Cool);
$exponent = ($exponent)? $exponent - 127 : $exponent;

if($exponent) {
// get the binary number of the mantissa
$int = bindec('1'.substr($bin, 9, $exponent));
$dec = bindec(substr($bin, 9 + $exponent));

$time = "$int.$dec";

$this->playerinfo[$usr]["time"] = number_format($time / 60, 2);
$this->playerinfo[$usr]["time"] = "0.0";


* Function parseServerstatQ2()
* Requests the server info from the server and parses it down
function parseServerstatQ2()


// Get rid of the header
$header = fread($this->fp,10);

// Read in the info from the server.
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ( $str == "\n" ) $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["allinfo"] = $result;

// Now recieve the player info

echo $temp;

$do = true;
$i = 0;
while ($do)
$temp = fgets($this->fp, 100);
if ($temp == "")
$do = false;
$tempplayers[$i] = $temp;
$this->pcount = sizeof($tempplayers);
$this->serverinfo["players"] = sizeof($tempplayers);

// Now resolve the server info
$temparray = explode ("\\", $this->serverinfo["allinfo"]);

$i = 1;
while($i <= sizeof($temparray))
$this->serverinfo[$temparray[$i++]] = $temparray[$i++];

// Resolve the player info
$i = 0;
while($i <= $this->pcount-1)
$this->playerinfo[$i]["index"] = "$i";
$temparray = explode ("\"", $tempplayers[$i]);

$this->playerinfo[$i]["name"] = $temparray[1];

$this->playerinfo[$i]["namecolored"] = $temparray[1];
//Remove colortags
$result = "";
$b = 0;
while($b <= strlen($temparray[1]))
$str = substr($temparray[1], $b, 1);
if ($str == "^")
$result .= $str;
$this->playerinfo[$i]["name"] = $result;
$temparray2 = explode (" ", $temparray[0]);
$this->playerinfo[$i]["frags"] = $temparray2[0];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["ping"] = $temparray2[1];

// Standardize. For easyer info.
$this->serverinfo["address"] = $this->caddress . ":" . $this->cport;
$this->serverinfo["name"] = $this->serverinfo["hostname"];
$this->serverinfo["moddir"] = $this->serverinfo["gamename"];
$this->serverinfo["maxplayers"] = $this->serverinfo["maxclients"];
$this->serverinfo["map"] = $this->serverinfo["mapname"];
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Unknown";
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Unknown";
if ($this->serverinfo["needpass"] == 1) { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "true"; }
else { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "false"; }


* Function parseServerstatQ3()
* Requests the server info from the server and parses it down
function parseServerstatQ3()


$header=fgets($this->fp, 20);
//now we get the the servers statusdata in one line
$this->serverinfo["allinfo"] = fgets($this->fp, 1500);
// echo $returnstring; // DEBUG
$temparray = explode ("\\", $this->serverinfo["allinfo"]);

$i = 1;
while($i <= sizeof($temparray))
$this->serverinfo[$temparray[$i++]] = $temparray[$i++];

// Now recieve the player info

$do = true;
$i = 0;
while ($do)
$temp = fgets($this->fp, 100);
if ($temp == "")
$do = false;
$tempplayers[$i] = $temp;
$this->pcount = sizeof($tempplayers);

// Resolve the player info
$i = 0;
while($i <= $this->pcount-1)
$this->playerinfo[$i]["index"] = "$i";
$temparray = explode ("\"", $tempplayers[$i]);
$this->playerinfo[$i]["namecolored"] = $temparray[1];

//Remove colortags
$result = "";
$b = 0;
while($b <= strlen($temparray[1]))
$str = substr($temparray[1], $b, 1);
if ($str == "^")
$result .= $str;
$this->playerinfo[$i]["name"] = $result;

$temparray2 = explode (" ", $temparray[0]);
$this->playerinfo[$i]["frags"] = $temparray2[0];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["ping"] = $temparray2[1];

// Standardize. For easyer info.
$this->serverinfo["address"] = $this->caddress . ":" . $this->cport;
$this->serverinfo["name"] = $this->serverinfo["sv_hostname"];
$this->serverinfo["moddir"] = $this->serverinfo["gamename"];
$this->serverinfo["players"] = $this->serverinfo["sv_privateClients"];
$this->serverinfo["maxplayers"] = $this->serverinfo["sv_maxclients"];
$this->serverinfo["map"] = $this->serverinfo["mapname"];
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Unknown";
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Unknown";
$this->serverinfo["players"] = $this->pcount;
if ($this->serverinfo["g_needpass"] == 1) { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "true"; }
else { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "false"; }


* Function parseServerstatUT()
* Requests the server info from the server and parses it down
function parseServerstatUT()


// Get server address and Port
$do = true;
$result = "";
$str = fread($this->fp,1);
$result .= $str;
if ( substr($result,strlen($result)-7) == $this->commands[$this->cgametype]["TheEnd"] ) $do = false;
$this->serverinfo["allinfo"] = $result;

// Remove the \final\ from the var list
$this->serverinfo["allinfo"] = substr($this->serverinfo["allinfo"],0,strlen($this->serverinfo["allinfo"])-7);

// Now resolve the info
$temparray = explode ("\\", $this->serverinfo["allinfo"]);

$i = 1;
while($i <= sizeof($temparray))
$this->serverinfo[$temparray[$i++]] = $temparray[$i++];

// Standardize. For easyer info.
$this->serverinfo["address"] = $this->caddress . ":" . $this->cport;
$this->serverinfo["name"] = $this->serverinfo["hostname"];
$this->serverinfo["modname"] = $this->serverinfo["gamename"];
$this->serverinfo["players"] = $this->serverinfo["numplayers"];
$this->serverinfo["map"] = strtolower($this->serverinfo["mapname"]);
$this->serverinfo["version"] = $this->serverinfo["gamever"];
$this->serverinfo["typeofserver"] = "Unknown";
$this->serverinfo["serveros"] = "Unknown";
if ($this->serverinfo["password"] != "False") { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "true"; }
else { $this->serverinfo["locked"] = "false"; }

// Get those users fixed up
for($i=0; $i <= $this->serverinfo["numplayers"]; $i++)
$this->playerinfo[$i]["index"] = $i;
$this->playerinfo[$i]["name"] = $this->serverinfo["player_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["ping"] = $this->serverinfo["ping_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["frags"] = $this->serverinfo["frags_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["team"] = $this->serverinfo["team_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["skin"] = $this->serverinfo["skin_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["mesh"] = $this->serverinfo["mesh_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["face"] = $this->serverinfo["face_".$i];
$this->playerinfo[$i]["ngsecret"] = $this->serverinfo["ngsecret_".$i];

//Unset those variables so the will stop being in the way.
unset( $this->serverinfo["player_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["ping_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["frags_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["team_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["skin_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["mesh_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["face_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo["ngsecret_".$i] );
unset( $this->serverinfo[""] );



Что то не могу найти переменную $server Ж((
или я туплю ? Smile)

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[rip.savage] is offline Посмотреть профиль Отправить личное сообщение Посетить сайт автора
chain master


Зарегистрирован: 17.10.2003
Сообщения: 92
Откуда: Sydney, Oz

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 23, 2004 1:29 am    Заголовок сообщения: И вариант на Пёрле Ответить с цитатой

sub querystatus {
my %r;
my @hosts;
my @ports;
push @hosts, shift;
push @ports, shift;

my ( $count, $hisiaddr, $hispaddr, $histime,
$host, $iaddr, $paddr, $port, $proto,
$rin, $rout, $rtime, $SECS_of_70_YEARS);

$SECS_of_70_YEARS = 2208988800;

$iaddr = gethostbyname(hostname());
$proto = getprotobyname('udp');
$paddr = sockaddr_in(0, $iaddr); # 0 means let kernel pick

socket(SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!";
bind(SOCKET, $paddr) || die "bind: $!";
$| = 1;

my $msg = "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFstatus\x00";

for ($count = 0; $count <= $#hosts; $count++) {
$hisiaddr = inet_aton($hosts[$count]) || die "unknown host";
$hispaddr = sockaddr_in($ports[$count], $hisiaddr);
send(SOCKET, $msg, 0, $hispaddr);

$rin = '';
vec($rin, fileno(SOCKET), 1) = 1;

# timeout after 10.0 seconds
while ($count>0 && select($rout = $rin, undef, undef, 3.0)) {
$rtime = '';
($hispaddr = recv(SOCKET, $rtime, 1024, 0)) || next;
($port, $hisiaddr) = sockaddr_in($hispaddr);
$host = gethostbyaddr($hisiaddr, AF_INET);
(.*)/mgi) {
my @players = split /\n/,$rtime;
shift @players;
my @asettings = split /\\/, shift @players;
shift @asettings;
%r = @asettings;
$r{'players'} = join("\n",@players) if ($#players>0);
if ($r{'game'} eq 'tourney') {
$r{'type'} = $r{'match_type'};
} else {
$r{'type'} = $r{'game'};
$r{'ip'} = inet_ntoa($hisiaddr);
return %r;

"I said, Do you speak-a my language?
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich"
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